Saturday, January 19, 2008

Spring Fun!

Peyton & I went out on another photoshoot for Panache Design Studio. We've been modeling for custom boutique clothing designers every afternoon this week, and I've been making bows, headbands, and clips until the wee hours of the morning. I will have 3 collections, and 10 to 15 new designs debuting this coming Monday. We're starting the New Year off with a bang!
I wouldn't have it any other way, but a personal assistant would be nice! Hey, I can dream, right?


  1. Send one of those personal assistants my way too! I can't wait to see all your new designs.

  2. Oh I need one too! Love the photos & sweet bows :)

  3. Looking forward to seeing what you've got!!! I wish I had more time, wahhh. Going back to work has put a serious crimp in my time, LOL!!!! Your photos look great.

  4. You guys are so sweet! Thanks for the little notes. :o) Hol
