Thursday, July 10, 2008


Here are some "puppy love" bows I made to match Funky Monkey Boutique.
Click here to see my auction for them. They have cute little dachsunds with bling on them.

We also did another photoshoot for Panache Design Studio, and I made hair bows to match her sets. Click here to view my hair bows.

Here's Miss Peyton working her magic...

***A couple little notes***

I've close my website temporarily because we are moving next week. Lots of packing & unpacking to do! I'll post on here when it is open again. I'm estimating, by July 30th I'll be back up an running.

Also, the pregnancy is going well, and the baby has kicked a few times this week. I'm 4 months along now! We find out if it's a boy or girl next month!!!


1 comment:

  1. Love the photos Holly - and the bows too! Peyton is a sweetie!
