Saturday, October 16, 2010


I realize it has been a long time since I last updated my blog. With facebook becoming such a mainstream networking site, I've been sharing my photos there. Since my last post here, so much has happened. We have settled into our home in Scottsdale and had a baby boy.

We are remodeling our home, so there is always a part of the house that is torn up. It's a good thing I'm a visionary because this is a sloooooow process. Dealing with contractors and dust is no fun when you are pregnant or have a newborn plus 2 other little ones. Naps don't happen, schedules are thrown off, and the bank account is drained!

Baby Dawson was born on July 5th at 4:27 PM. He was 8 pounds 3.9 ounces. After 2 girls, we finally got our boy. Thank goodness! He came out with the cord wrapped around his neck and was a little jaundice, but is healthy and growing like a weed now. Having a newborn, toddler, and preschooler is just as much work as I thought it would be, but somehow I am surviving it. I've learned how to prioritize and let some things go (like the housekeeping and blogging).

If you'd like to take a peek at our recent photo shoots, please "like" my facebook page. I am focusing on commercial work this year, and may continue in this direction for a while. I get all the thrills of babies and children in my own household and don't have the desire to experience it at work too, if you know what I mean. So stock photography and commercial work suit my needs right now.

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